The EMC Society Podcast: Hear Us Above the Noise
CROSSTALK, The EMC Society Podcast: Hear Us Above the Noise. The IEEE EMC Society Podcast discussing interesting topics on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), signal integrity (SI), and power integrity (PI) for our technical community. The IEEE EMC Society is the world's largest organization dedicated to the development and distribution of information, tools and techniques for reducing electromagnetic interference. The society's fields of interest includes standards, measurement techniques, test procedures, instrumentation, equipment and systems characteristics, interference control techniques and components, education, computational analysis, and spectrum management, along with scientific, technical, industrial, professional, or other activities that contribute to these fields.
The EMC Society Podcast: Hear Us Above the Noise
#51 CROSSTALK Vignesh Rajamani John LaSalle: EMC-S Presidents Passing the Baton
Welcome to the CROSSTALK - the IEEE EMC Society Podcast.
Hear us above the Noise!
The Podcast to discuss interesting topics on electromagnetic compatibility to our technical community.
This issue features Vignesh Rajamani, current EMC-S president and John LaSalle, president elect, whose term will begin shortly in January 2024.
Vignesh is takes stock of his presidency and gives some tips for the newly elected president. John introduces himself and his main topics he will focus on during his presidency.
We sincerely thank Vignesh for his services to EMC-S.
And welcome John as newly elected president of EMC-S.