The EMC Society Podcast: Hear Us Above the Noise
CROSSTALK, The EMC Society Podcast: Hear Us Above the Noise. The IEEE EMC Society Podcast discussing interesting topics on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), signal integrity (SI), and power integrity (PI) for our technical community. The IEEE EMC Society is the world's largest organization dedicated to the development and distribution of information, tools and techniques for reducing electromagnetic interference. The society's fields of interest includes standards, measurement techniques, test procedures, instrumentation, equipment and systems characteristics, interference control techniques and components, education, computational analysis, and spectrum management, along with scientific, technical, industrial, professional, or other activities that contribute to these fields.
The EMC Society Podcast: Hear Us Above the Noise
#45 CROSSTALK - Jim Drewniak: Introducing the New IEEE Transactions on SIPI
Welcome to the CROSSTALK - the IEEE EMC Society Podcast.
Hear us above the Noise!
The Podcast to discuss interesting topics on electromagnetic compatibility to our technical community.
In this issue we talk with Jim Drewniak, Professoir Emeritus from MST, Missouri S&T EMC Laboratory.
He is one of the initiators of the new IEEE Transactions on SIPI.
The IEEE Transactions on Signal and Power Integrity publishes research and application papers addressing all aspects of signal integrity and power integrity of an electronic system and its components including integrated circuits, IC packages, printed circuit boards, cables, connectors, as well as other relevant electronic and microelectronic components, and signal integrity/power integrity co-design. Advances in theory, algorithms, design approaches and modeling for ensuring the fidelity and performance of digital, analog, and hybrid electronic systems and sub-systems are considered.
Learn more about the journal and the very interesting content.
IEEE Transactions on SIPI - general information
IEEE Transaction on SIPI on IEEE xplore - browse and read articles